Tuesday, May 3, 2011

This Sounds Fun As Shit....

I really like to cook for people, it's how I show I care. But lets just say I ate a lot of take out this year. So I vowed to have more farethewell dinner parties, last week I had two, these are from the first. Photo friends since the very beginning, this has been a long road but you couldn't ask for a better group of hooligans to run a muck with. Together we can win this War 42.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Senior Show

The instant print in itself is a unique and powerful piece of art as is the human body. Each is an individual capable of beauty. Neither of which is ever the same moment to moment. But to hold either in your hands can have a dramatic affect on ones soul.

May 12th, Salt Space, New York

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

RIP Rufio


Our love affair was short but sweet. I feel like we were still getting to know one another and I’m very sorry that our friendship must end here. You, Sir, would have been a fine dog that I could have buried in 15 years with heroic stories we would tell around the dinner table. But you were still young and you made a mistake and these things happen but unfortunately my automatic second chance rule was not enforced and the judge decided to make an example of you. It wasn’t your fault and I don’t blame you and you will always be remember fondly in mind but you can’t go about biting moms. They truly frown upon that.

I’m sorry if you knew this was coming, I’m sure I could see it on your face, regretful dog eyes are not easily forgotten. Jenny didn’t believe me but I could see it.

I hope you are in a better place where you can run all over with your hound dog nose to the ground following smells you only ever smelled in your dreams and chewing on endless tubes of Burt’s Bees chapstick because I just want you to be happy.

I’ll remember our last morning in bed with you wiggling all around for the rest of my life.

I love you.


Monday, January 24, 2011

Fuji Film Kinda Christmas

Aunt Patty was ever so gracious enough to get me the Fuji Instax 210 Instant Camera for Christmas this year! I’ve never had my own instant film camera so this was very exciting for me on many levels. She also got me 3 packs of film, which I shot all but 4 exposures of in the following two weeks. A lot of exciting things needed documenting and I was testing the waters with this film.

As I’m sure most of you do as well, I remember where I was when the storm of December 26th struck, sitting in Aunt Patty’s living room opening that camera. I took a fantastic portrait of my father which he stole, totally inappropriate. Then Alex and I set off for an adventure in Brooklyn that we were stuck inside for the most part of. And focus primarily on our cat Peanut Butter who recently moved in with me, due to a domestic dispute with a new family member, who goes by Rufio.

When we finally were able to venture out to dig my moms car out this is what we encountered.

It took us about an hour to dig a perfect path for the car. The two mountain kids digging a hatchback out of the worst snow storm most of these Brooklynites had every seen certainly brought some attention. Alex got yelled at for letting me shovel but we knew what we were doing. I drove and Alex pushed and then two large men walking by also pushed then Alex ran over and gave the shovel we had borrowed from the pet store back and we headed upstate.

Where we found the McLaughlin boys, with whom it is always an adventure.

(Rufio, the scoundrel)

On the last day of 2010 I took the train back to the city and photographed the last sunset of the year. I also photographed the first sunrise of 2011 but that ones on my phone.

The night was spent with a group of people I hold near and dear to my heart and a bunch of people I met in New Orleans last spring. Small world. But I’m afraid I only documented the beginning and the end of the celebration. I think they sum up the night quite a bit though.

And now I want to leave you with this final image because just look at this majestic beast, how can he not make your day?

Monday, October 25, 2010


This semester has been more then a bit exhausting in an incredibly underwhelming kind of way. I'm bored as all hell. Senior year is one of the biggest let downs FIT has thrown my way and boy have they sent some curve balls. Regardless, last week I finally shot something worth mentioning. We had a still and audio project, my audio was less then par but the images are beautiful! I'm beyond happy with how they came out! And I desperately wish my hair was actually that long.